
– Hey Josie Marie Devotional! I love your book! It speaks so eloquently of God’s love for us and how you see it in such small things.  Thank you so much for sharing your story with us all!  ~ Monique, FB review

– Congratulations on your book, I really enjoyed reading it! I love how you showed that everything in our daily life is a lesson that the Lord can use to teach us what He wants us to know.  We just have to have our hearts and ears open to His voice. Great job! ~ Susan, FB review

– Love this book.  Just bought one for my mother-in-law.  ~ Leah, FB review

“I’ve been loving your book!! I read a chapter each morning with my coffee/prayer time. Your words bring me such a smile and loving energy.
Thank you for sharing your words and wisdom with me! “ ~ Paige


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