True Freedom

Today is July 4th. Independence Day in the United States, when we commemorate the 1776 vote for independence and true freedom from Great Britain. It is a day to recall the new found freedom of our early settlers and give thanks for the amazing country we call the United States of America.

Many people celebrate with family & friends, perhaps with a cookout or a drive to watch a local fireworks display. I was driving this past week and listening to my favorite radio station.  The DJ was asking listeners to call in with their favorite Fourth of July memory. As I drove, I began to recall my own past celebrations and came up with two favorites.  My first special memory pertains to a cookout/pool party held by family friends for many years when our children were young.  Our entire family participated and all our children grew up with this celebration.  Remembering it always brings a smile.

My second favorite memory is watching our city’s fireworks display from our daughter’s bedroom window.  We lived at the top of a high hill and this bedroom window offered the best view each year.  Inevitably our youngest would fall asleep half way through the display while the rest of us would watch.  There was something about the quietness of the room, the darkness of the outside, and the beauty of the sparkles that lit up the sky.  Very peaceful.

Whatever our celebration entails, it is nice to know the day is still remembered.  It is a Federal holiday so most businesses are closed, affording time off to relax, celebrate, and hopefully remember this foundational day to the freedoms we still value today.  America has seen its struggles, for sure, both abroad and within.  Many have fought hard and even given their lives for the freedoms this holiday exemplifies.  We are truly grateful.

Jesus highly values freedom.  He actually came to bring us freedom.  Freedom from sin and death.  Freedom from shame and guilt.  Freedom from a life of darkness and dispair.  He died on the cross in our place, freeing us from eternal separation from the Father.  He is the Savior, bringing spiritual freedom to all who believe and put their faith in Him.  He offers a life of light, peace and hope, despite the ups and downs of life. And His freedom can never be threatened or removed, for “…if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36).

True freedom can not be found in a family cookout, a beautiful display of red, white and blue painting the night sky, nor in a country that meets our every want and whim.  True freedom comes from knowing Jesus, who offers life beyond this blessed land and promises life eternal with our Father in Heaven. Let us seek Him and discover the freedoms He offers to all who call on His name and walk in His truths.

Happy 4th – God bless you and God bless America!




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